Murphy’s Laws of Special Needs Parenting

Murphy’s Laws of Special Needs Parenting…

         1. If you think you have 3 hours to yourself, your child will have a meltdown at school and have to come home early.

      2.  If your oldest is a sensory seeker, your youngest will be a sensory avoider.

     3.    If you dress your child in a button down shirt for pictures, they will eat the buttons before you get to the photographer.

4.    If your child will eat spaghetti it at the OT’s office, he still won’t eat it at home.

5.    If you say ‘Don’t play in the hose’, your child will flood the bathroom.

6.    If you put your child to bed early, he will be up until midnight playing Legos.

7.    If you put your child’s shoes on to leave the house in a hurry, he will take them off before you even find your purse.

8.    If you wear a white shirt, your child will get a bloody nose.

9.    If you ask your child to use the restroom before leaving the house, he will still have an accident on the way to the park.

10.   If you clean up the hotwheels cars lined up on the staircase, your child will have an hour long meltdown that you messed up the ‘race’.

11.   If you convince your child’s teacher to allow your child a fidget toy, she’ll go on maternity leave.

12.   If you make a detailed visual schedule for your child’s first birthday party, the party plans will change.

13.   If you take the day off of work to attend your child’s fieldtrip, they’ll change the date.

14.   If you have time to take a shower today, your child will dump out the bean tub, empty the shaving cream cans and draw in Sharpie marker all over his walls to make sure you don’t get to shower tomorrow.

15.   If you clean your child’s room, he will insist it now feels ‘too big’.

16.   If you make your child’s bed, he will insist on sleeping on the ground.

17.   If you wash your child’s favorite stuffed animal or blanket, he will have a meltdown because it doesn’t smell right.

18.   If you make a special holiday dinner, your child won’t come downstairs because of the smell.

19.   If you hire a babysitter, your child will start to throw up the moment you’re wearing heels.

20.   If you buy anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup, fake dye, or allergens of any sort, your child will find it – and eat ALL OF IT.

“Accidents and Bed Wetting”

There are few other subjects that are more difficult to talk about, more confusing to deal with, or more frustrating to a parent than a child who is still bed wetting or having ‘accidents’ after being potty trained for some time.  It seems being able to teach your child to control their bladder must be written into the imaginary ‘good parenting’ handbook and if your child is over a certain age then he shouldn't be wetting the bed or having accidents pretty much EVER.

But we all know that just isn’t the case.  It is not how typical kids work and it sure isn’t how sensory kids work.

I got into a conversation with a friend of mine just the other day about this exact thing.  His daughter, who is typically developing (although I suspect some minor non-responsive and/or under-responsive sensory issues) turns 5 in just a few weeks, and had ‘regressed’ from his point of view (OMG I hate that word) and started peeing her pants again.  He wasn’t happy.  As a matter of fact, he was kind of angry with her.  So, you know I intervened – respectfully and in private – but I had to bring some things to his attention.

The biggest thing here is that it is part of NORMAL development for kids to have bedwetting or pants-peeing episodes after they’ve been potty trained (even for years without accident).  In my experience, it is extremely common for this to occur around age 5-6 or just about Kindergarten.  Why?  A couple of reasons I think…